Hello Guyz,Welcome to Newsworldfactors.Well, in this post you will be introduced to 20 facts of our life that should know by everyone.
So let's have a Look.

every single face in our dream once in our life.That's why we see that face in our dream.
2. At birth, there are 300 bones in our body, but by the age of 18, they Shortens to 206. Is not it amazing? But this is absolutely right.

3. Men's shirt buttons are on the right, while women's shirt buttons are on the left side.This is the only difference between the shirt of a boy and a girl.

4. The ants never sleep.They work continuously in their life. They are very hardworking.

5. The kings in the cards show the kings of history.
King of Spades: David
King of Clubs: Alexander
King of Hearts: Charlemagne
King of Diamonds: Caesar Augustus
King of Clubs: Alexander
King of Hearts: Charlemagne
King of Diamonds: Caesar Augustus

7. The actual color of Egypt's pyramids was white, which has become brown over time due to pollution.
8. The first camera was made in 1894. Interesting fact is that,the object had to be kept for 8 hours in front of the camera to take the photo.

9. Only 3% of people in India pay income tax. It is very less number. Everyone will be very surprised to know this.

11. By applying earphone for an hour, the number of living organisms in the ears increases by 700. This is very harmful for our health.

13. Camel milk can never be curd. Camel is the only animal whose Milk can never be converted into the curd.

17. Human's left foot is bigger than its right foot. Length of both feet is not equal.There is a minute difference between them.

18. The marks of a human tongue are also different, just like the fingerprints. Two people's tongue prints can never be same.
19. The temperature of the Earth core is equal to the surface temperature of the sun.That means our Earth is also have heat like the Sun.

20. Every person's length is 1 inch more in the morning compared to the evening time. This happened with all the human beings.
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- https://www.newsworldfactors.com/2018/05/5-seconds-on-earth-without-oxygen-Newsworldfactors.html
- https://www.newsworldfactors.com/2018/06/Top-8-Mysterious-Places-on-Earth.html