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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

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Shark - Full Detail and Interesting Facts


Shark under Sea
Shark is a most dangerous fish and a very interesting animal of sea water. Their ears are inside their head but they can hear the sound of swim of another fish 1 mile away and also can smell the drop of blood from so far. The Sharks have 40-45 teeth that are engaged in approximately 7 rows. In our life, teeth turn out only twice, but in the life of a shark the teeth constantly fall and turn out. In the whole life of the shark, about 30 thousand teeth turn out. There are approximately 400 species of Sharks but only 10% of it is dangerous to humans. 

Moses Sole is one of those rare fish who can not be eaten by sharks. When the shark tries to eat it, it releases a chemical, due to which shark run away from it. The memory of shark is also very good. It has been seen many times that the shark gives birth to its children, where it was born itself. The world's largest egg is of Shark, but because it gives birth to babies and children already come out of the egg into the stomach. So, the largest egg is considered of ostrich. The size of egg of Ostrich is 6 inches while the egg of Whale Shark is of 15 inches.

Dwarf Lanternshark-Smallest Shark The smallest shark of the world is "Dwarf Lanternshark" whose size is only 21 cm and weighs 0.5 ounces. It belongs to the dogfish family. This shark can be found only in Caribbean Sea. It can live up to 20-30 years. It lives on the depth of the 1000-1500 feet. They are dark brown in color. They have long, flattened head that occupies one third of their body. They are named as Dwarf Lantern as they are small means 'dwarf' and able to glow in the dark means 'lantern'.

Whale Shark-Largest SharkThe largest shark is "Whale" whose size can be up to 41.5 feet and weighs 28 tons. It can live up to 100-150 years. Blue Whale is the biggest Whale and can be grow up to 90 feet. Bowhead Whales can live more than 200 years while killer whales can live more than 100 years. Killer whales travel in groups. In 2014, a Cuvier's beaked Whale made the deepest and longest dive ever of depth 1.9 miles for 2 hours. But so far the "Megalodon" is considered to be the largest shark on earth. It's size was 50-78 feet and weight was 60 tons. It used to eat mostly whale. 

For some species of sharks, it is necessary to keep the water flowing above their gills to breathe. So they keep swimming while sleeping. Their skin may be up to 7 inches thick, whereas human's skin is only 0.5 to 4 millimeters thick. The biggest brain is also of the Sharks among all the fishes. They do not have vocal cords so they can not produce the sounds that's why they are also called Silent Killers. Great White Shark eats 11 tons of food on an average but can also survive for 3 months without eating food. It can leap up to a height of 10 feet to the surface of the water. 10% species of the sharks flash in the dark. According to a study in 2012, it was found that Shark's teeth are made of chemical Fluoroapatite because of that they never have cavity. Sharks are the fishes of no bones. Their skeletons are made of cartilage and connecting tissues. 


  • Interesting facts about Shark
  • Shark- Amazing facts
  • Full Information about Shark
  • Shark-Amazing fish
  • Full details of Shark

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