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Monday, May 21, 2018

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5 Most Mysterious Places On the Earth

Mysterious place

The World is as mysterious as beautiful. There is no shortage of mysteries in this world. Regardless of how science progresses, it is still impossible for it to solve the mysteries of the world. Science has succeeded in solving the many mysteries. But even in the world there are many mysterious places whose secret has remained mystery so far. Today I will tell you about five such mysteries of this world, which will keep you awake. 

1. Easter Island (Chile):  This is an island of Chile which is very famous for human-like statues. These statues are about 40 feet long and are present in hundreds of number. Their number is more than 600. The whole body of these statues are sunk in the ground and just heads out. Till now, this secret can not be solved, how did these statues come here? All these sculptures are same in appearance. It seems as if all of them were molded in the same mold. There is no evidence of any human being living on this island so these idols here have become a mystery. Now the question is how did these statues of similar structure come here? And if someone has brought them here, then why would they have brought these and how?

Easter Island- Human-like statues, Chile

2. Sailing Stones (California): This place is situated in California's Death Valley. The shape and temperature of Death Valley has always been astonishing to scientists. But there is even more shocking things here, the sliding stones which slide themselves. They are known as the Sailing Stones. Stones of 300 to 400 kg has also been seen changing the place. These moving stones are a mystery in this dry desert.

The stones look like they are moving ahead and the ridges become behind them. No evidence of man or animal has ever found on this valley. These stones, which have been sliding on their own, have remained the secret since 1900. NASA has researched to know the secret. But they have not been able to solve this mystery. Even today, this mystery is still not solved.

Sailing Stones, California

3. Atlantis (Atlantic Ocean): Many stories related to Atlantis are famous. Scientists are pretty sure about its existence. It is believed that this city was much larger than Asia. It is said that the city was drowned in one day and night. Historians are busy searching the city for auspicious time. It is also called the Lost City of AtlantisIt is believed the Atlantis was a island in the altantic Ocean. It's name is also mentioned in the stories of Greek mathematician Plato. It is said that the city is still dipped in the Atlantic Ocean. Scientists are trying to solve this mystery but are still unsuccessful. 

Lost city of Atlantis, Atlantic Ocean

4. Magnetic Hill (Ladakh): Leh in Ladakh has a mountain that amazes people. This mountain is also known as Magnetic Hill. It often happens that if someone raises a car on a slope, then it starts rolling downwards. But here if you set up your car, then then it will go upward rather than downward . The hill here also draw Aeroplanes flying above it. This hill pulls up to a speed of 15-20 km/hr. According to science, there is a tremendous magnetic power in this hill. But this secret has remained a mystery so far.

Magnetic Hill, Ladakh

5. Nazca Lines (Peru): It is believed that these lines are older than 200 BC and are still present today. Nazca lines are spread over 500 square kilometers. This place is situated in Peru. With the help of a helicopter, it can be seen more clearly. On this desert surface, there are some such shapes that can surprise you totally. Some of these shapes are of humans, plants and animals. There are also other figures like monkeys, spiders.

It is said that the UFOs which came from other planets here were due to which these structures were made on this surface. The mystery is that who had made these lines? And how were such huge figures made?
Nazca lines, Peru

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