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Monday, June 18, 2018

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Stem Cell - Future Therapy

On June 4, 2004, the first stem cell bank in the world was established in the UK, with which moral questions have arisen in Britain and all other countries of the world.

Stem Cell

Stem cell requirement is the most effective in the person's incurable disease, such as diabetes liver failure or any other disease in which a fundamental organ of the body stops working and requires a second organ to be replaced.

If the stem cell is the person's own then it is considered better in the medical world. Anyway, any pregnant stem-cell can be used for any other patient. But it is less likely to work because the body does not accept it due to the external cell. For this reason, scientists believe that stem cells are collected from the blood through its nerves when the child is born. Then it is developed in the form of a bank and can be proven to be helpful in the treatment of a child in the future or when he will become old.
Pregnant woman

Stem cells are also beneficial to other patients too. Therefore, there is a dilemma in the global public perception of the danger of giving commercial from to their business. In countries like India where complaints of illegal trade of organs often resemble. Due to poverty, the stem cell of the fetus can be given a business pattern. For this reason, critics have called Stem Cell Bank as Burqa Bank, in which stem cells are being collected for commercial interest. Even in India, the scientific centers in Nagpur and Pune are doing research on stem cells. For this reason, some pharmaceutical makers in the world are seeing India as a major center of medicine on the basis of biotechnology.

India's vast population, different breeds and ethnicities provide the ability to be the center of medical science. Such a bank has not been established in India so far. But in the coming time, scientists can demand it. In fact, no one can object to the scientific and therapeutic use of stem cells, but the concern expressed to its misuse is not less important. Before implementing this, India and other countries should develop the rules and regulations related to it so that it can not be misused and neither can the foreign companies establish the embryo bank by taking advantage of India's poverty.

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