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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

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The Ayurvedic Body Types and Their Characteristics

Ayurvedic herbsAyurveda basically has classified personalities into three different categories the Vata, Pitta and Kapha. None of them have one single dosha predominant in them. It is the blend of all the three doshas but collectively if you see they will have one dosha which dominates over the other two. That's why we have classified personalities.

The Vata type of person is lean, very very active all the while, can not sit in one place for a moment, he keeps jumping around from one place to the other. Similar is his mental quality, he can not focus and concentrate at one time on a particular thing. He always agitated. So, this kind of personality has very little sleep, eats poorly, digestive capacities are not very good. They are called as malnourished people. He can tolerate the heat very nicely but can not tolerate so much of cold. These people are unfocused and not very steady with their decisions. 

Ayurvedic body types- Vata, Pitta and kapha

The Pitta type of people are very firy. You drop a glass and their anger shoots out very fast. They can not tolerate heat at all. The moment it is hot, the anger is more in them. They are very cheerful people. When they are in a society, they draw people towards them because they talk very nicely. They are fond of getting people around with them. They get very long with people as well. The only drawback with them is the heat, food habits are also same. They will eat very fast and digest very fast. Within three hours, if you don't give him food once again, he drags your nuts all over. He can not tolerate hunger at all. 

The Kapha
 type of person is like an elephant. They are very pleasant, does not get angry soon. But if he gets angry it remains for a very long time. Everything he does is very very slow but he takes his own time. Judgements are so powerful that once judged never will change. They are very calm and composed, slow digestion and sleeps deeply.

So, these are the basic three qualities of the people which you meet around in the society. Getting along with each other, I think Vata kind of people will never be happy with another Vata person because the personalities will be of similar kind. It is same with all the Doshas. So, it's basically very much necessary that you blend another personality which is of the opposite qualities with you so you have a balance form of a relationship. 

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