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Saturday, May 19, 2018

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new science discoveries
Every year interesting things are discovered by Scientists. Those can be small or life changing. Do you want to know what are the most recent scientific discoveries? Then read this post till the end. Here I am going to tell you all about the Top 12 New Science Discoveries that will help you understand the world better. 

1. New planet in our solar system: A group of International Scientists discovered a new planet in our Solar System named RR 245. This appears to be a new dwarf planet orbiting the Sun at the edge of our solar system. It takes 120 times longer to make revolution around the Sun than the Earth does. It is approximately twice as far as the Neptune from the Sun. This is just an excited discovery.

2. Second Earth: NASA has recently confirmed their discovery of a possible earth Kepler 452b orbits the sun in what scientists call the Goldilocks Zone which is habitable region in the space not too far or too close from the Sun necessary for the possibility of the life to flourish. The new planet appears to have a rocky surface as well as liquid water which is another key ingredient for life to subsist although not much is known about if there is life beyond Earth. It makes sense to take notice of planets similar to our own.

3. Water on Mars: Scientist have finally discovered water on Mars. NASA was able to provide the evidence of flowing water on Mars with the help of MRO. Slopes are found on the surface of Mars. These slopes can only be formed by the flow of liquid streams. Thus, NASA concluded the presence of water on Mars but water does not flow consistently but it flows in intervals. Scientists are looking for life on the Mars.

4. Glass Storage: Scientists of London have recently discovered a technique for storing 360 terabytes of data. The data can last at least 30 billion years. This device is made from a synthetically structured nano glass making for a vast storage space about the size of a US quarter. This method is called five dimensional data storage and encode any information printed on it. 

5. Medicine Delivering Nano Machines: In 2015, Scientists for the first time delivered medicine in an animal via Nano machines. These machines traveled into the body of a mouse to inject nanoparticles of a medicine into its stomach lining. These machines might reduce the need for invasive surgical procedures done on the humans in the future. This may be a huge breakthrough in medical field since the method was non-invasive. 

6. Glass Storage: Scientists of London have recently discovered a technique for storing 360 terabytes of data. The data can last at least 30 billion years. This device is made from a synthetically structured nano glass making for a vast storage space about the size of a US quarter. This method is called five dimensional data storage and encode any information printed on it. 

7. Harder than Diamond: Scientists may have recently discovered a substance harder than diamond which is hue carbon. In diamonds, chemical bonds hold them together. The carbon and diamonds are held together by incredibly tight chemical bond at the microscopic level giving diamonds prominent hardness by the manipulation of carbon atoms. The scientists were able to augment their chemical bonds producing a material that is potentially 60 times harder than diamond. This substance is still being experimented.

8. Antibodies: In February 2015, Scientists synthesize a protein antibody capable of supporting the immune system of Monkeys against HIV despite been injected with large doses of the virus. Four Monkeys were able to avert the disastrous effects of HIV because of this new medical development. The efficacy of antibodies to fight HIV were been proven successful and human trials are sure to begin very soon.

9. Ancient Replicators: In early 2016, researchers discovered the first single-celled molecule that may have been responsible for ancient cell devision approx. 800 million years ago. This single-celled organism GK-PID was capable of self replication, a process that divides the original organism into the identical one with same chromosome set. This discovery can be useful in tracing the ancestry of all life.

10. Synthetic leaves: In 2015, a student at the Royal College of Art in Landon developed the first man made leaf. This leaf is made from the silk proteins and functions just like a regular leaf. Engineers at the silk leaf project incorporate chloroplasts from real leaves to incorporate the effect of photosynthesis in their product. This prosthetic leaf could create oxygen for astronauts who will be involved in future deep space explorations. 

11. Bionic Lens: This lens will give the ability to see the world with stronger than 20/20 vision. Some subjects who have already tried the lens themselves claimed that they can not only see better than ever before but have identified a unique spectrum of colors unfamiliar to the unaided eye. This is the first step in a direction of a new era of superhumans. 

12. Whale Gene Mapping: Scientists have finally discovered why bowhead whales are able to live to 200 years old by remapping their entire genome by comparing the genome of the bowhead whale with the genome of other mammals with a less impressive life span. Scientists were able to point out marked differences. Bowhead longevity is due to its genes effectiveness in repairing gene deterioration which is the cause of Cancer. By further study, Scientists may be able to finally restore our own faulty genetic system substantially lengthening our lives. 

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