5 Most Strange Bizarre
Found On Earth
Nobody knows how many types
of animals are found on earth and how they appear. More than 99% of the
species that lived on earth have become extinct. According to the
scientific data of 2016, there are about 10 thousand crores of species living on
Earth. Out of which there is no record of more than 80% of species. I will tell
you about 5 strange and amazing animals, you probably do not know about
This is one of the most
weirdest animal found in the East Canada and North East America and it
only member of the tribe Condylurini and the genus Condylura. This does
not seem to be an animal of this world as it has a pink fleshy star on the tip
of its nose. It uses this fleshy star to find food items by touching
them. This creates make their tunnels just like the other mole rats, but
it is a good swimmer. It also makes tunnels down in puddle and small ponds.
They have a size of 12 cm and weight is about 50 gram. They are black and brown
in color and have 4 large legs. These mammals eat various small insects and
fishes including ants, beetles, snakes, worms. They can live up to 3-4 years
Narwhal is mainly found in
the Arctic Sea of Canada and Greenland. It belongs to the family of Whale. There is a strange spiraled tooth at the top off its head. This
horn can be up to 9 feet. The female Narwhals are smaller than males. They
usually travel in groups of 15-20 members and play an important role in
maintaining the balance of marine food chain. An average Narwhal weighs 4200
pounds and can be 15-20 feet long. They can live up to 40 years.They have a
tusk of about 8-9 feet which they use to detect pressure of water, change in
temperature and guess about danger. A single tusk of the Narwhal costs up to
This strange animal is
found on the island of Madagascar, located on the southeast coast of Africa.
Aye-aye is the only extant member of the Genus Daubentonia and family
Daubentoniidae. These animals look like a mixture of many kinds of
animals. Its head looks like a goats, ears and teeth like a rats, long
fingers like bats, eyes are like lions. Length of this strange animal is about
40 cm and weighs 3 kg. They have a tail of black or brown color. They have body
color of brown and slate. Their favorite food is wood-boring insect larvae.
They have a lifespan of about 20 years. In 1780, French naturalist Pierre
Sonnerat found this animal. He had grabbed it and brought it to
Paris. After this, it was considered to be the only animal of its species
for 80 years but its species was discovered in the year 1860. This creature
comes out only at night and lives on tall trees.
This strange fish is found
in the deep water off the coasts of Tasmania, Australia and New Zealand. This
fish is fatty, bloated and ugly and pinkish in color. This fish lives at depth
of 800-1000 meter where the pressure of water is 120 times greater than on the
surface because it's body is made of the gelatinous mass with the density less
than water. In 2013, it was named the world's most Ugly Animal.
This animal is found in the
Kenya and Tanzania of South Africa. This animal looks like a Rabbit, Kangaroo
and Squirrel but actually a rodent. It can jump up to 2 meters just like a
Kangaroo. It used to eat grass, corn, seeds, leaves, stems. It's weight is 6-8
lb and size is 17 inches. They have a lifespan of 8 years and body color is
gray and brown.
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