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Thursday, May 17, 2018

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Top 10 Recent Medical Innovations-Newsworldfactors

Top 10 Recent Medical Innovations in Medical science
We all know that our India is developing in many various fields now-a-days. It has made many useful discoveries and inventions. Here, I am going to tell you 10 recent Medical Innovations. These innovations will be very helpful for us in our future.

1. Mind-Controlled Arm: Experts at the University of Minnesota have come up with an incredibly exciting breakthrough in Robotic arm technology that's hard to believe. A biomedical engineering professor leads a project which has developed a robotic arm that users can control non-invasively through the mind. The arm wear a high-tech EEG cap with 64 electrodes that convert thoughts into action by advanced signal processing and machine learning. The team tested the device on eight subjects and over 80% of participants were successful in picking up objects in fixed locations while 70% could move object from a table to a shelf simply thinking about doing it.
mind controlled arm

2. Wonder Bandage: Anushka Naiknaware came up with an incredible invention that is already garnering worldwide attention. After 13 years came up with addressing a clip of sensors that could detect the amount of moisture in the bandage so that doctors knew exactly when to change it. The dressing allows the wound to heal as quickly as possible as well as virtually eliminating the possibility of infection. She uses inkjet printers to make the bandages and carbon nanoparticles and to create a conductive water based ink to fill the inkjet cartridges. It's an environmentally harmless and cost effective way to produce the smart bandages. Anushka was awarded the LEGO Education Builder award at the 2016 international Google science fair for the invention securing a $15,000 scholarship. She was the youngest winner of the competition.
Bandage on the leg

3. iBreastExam: Mammography technology is not feasible in India due to high equipment cost. This fact combined with the high costs of medical checkups and little awareness of the disease throughout the nation have led to Indian women having the highest breast cancer mortality rate in the world. This device could change all of that. It is a diagnostic tool that performs painless and radiation free breast scans while relaying the results of the test instantly. It would make the cost of a breast exam 10 to 15 dollars. Product developers hope that technology will save the lives of women in the whole world. 
iBreastExam- checkup of breast cancer

4. Sweat detector: Experts have come up with a silicon rubber disk that is about the size of a quarter and comes embedded with chemical sensors. These Sensors collect data through human sweat that could be transmitted to a smartphone and would provide all kinds of useful and vital information. Doctors could diagnose certain diseases and the detector allow users to know when to drink more water or replenish electrolytes. The gene that is developing the technology aims to bring the most of the device down to less than a dollar and fifty cents which would make them viable for one time use.
Sweat detector

5. CIMAvax: It may be surprising to hear that Cuba is a world leader in medical innovation and public health. One of their famous medical breakthroughs is the vaccine CIMAvax which can detect cancer cells and target a growth factor in them that can arrest the spread of lung cancer. The vaccine can be used to prevent people at high risk of lung cancer. One thousand Cubans and five thousand people around the world have been treated with the drug and data shows a significant increase in overall survival of patients. Governor of New York announced that a cancer Institute in Buffalo had received authorization to conduct trials of CIMAvax. Hopefully the vaccine will be widely available in US.

CIMAvax- Vaccine for the lung cancer

6. DripAssist: This new Iv drip technology device is so impressive. Popular science recognized it in 2016 as the one of the twelve most significant health innovations of the year. It is a compact battery powered device that clips to any IV drip and monitors the rate at which the fluids are being delivered. Drip assist allows medical professionals to set doses effortlessly and continuously monitor the IV to make sure the fluids are administrated correctly. It is a change from the complicated and expensive technologies that are used today like IV pumps.

7. Taal: Digital Stethoscopes are nothing new but no one had ever made useful and practical. Tall is unique because it has a processor in it that can calculate and automate heart rate and other sounds within the body. The product is still in development. When it comes out the company plans on selling it to emerging economies in Africa and South Asia for a cost of $50.
Taal- Digital stethoscope

8. ATI Neurostimulator: In layman's term, this is a device that will stop an oncoming headache in its tracks. Doctors have associated chronic and severe forms of headaches with a facial nerve bundle known as SPG. For years, this technology is permanently planted in the upper gum of the sufferer with its LED tip connecting to the SPG bundle. When patient feels an oncoming headache, they place a handheld remote on the cheek nearest the implant. The signal from the remote stimulates the SPG nodes and block the neurotransmitter causing the pain. The results of 2 years study were very encouraging and positive.
ATI Neurostimulator-Tracks oncoming headache

9. Airing: Sleep apnea is a very common problem that does not does not have a very viable and practical solution. Sufferers of sleep apnea stop breathing while they sleep and often chock throughout the night. Meanwhile no oxygen is getting to the sleepers brain since they are not breathing. Overtime this leads to heart and metabolic diseases and many other health problems. Today the most common solution is bulky masks that deliver airway pressure while the user sleepd. These masks are uncomfortable and hard to sleep with. Airing is a maskless and cordless device for sleep apnea sufferers. It weighs under one ounce and would only $3. It is powered by zinc air batteries which are small but contain a lot of energy.

Airing- For sleep apnea sufferers

10. Reciva: A Britiesh technology Business came up with the invention of Reciva in the year 2017.The company invented a breath analyzer to detect cancer called receiver or respiration collector. The device is proving to be very effecting at detecting other diseases. CEO of all stone Medical hopes to save 100,000 lives and 1 billion dollars in health care costs by 2020. 
Reciva- Breath analyzer for the detection of cancer

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