Whenever the names of the world's most influential Entrepreneurs are taken, then the first name is Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs is the Co Founder of Apple Company. He is an American entrepreneur and business magnate. Steve is not only known as a successful entrepreneur, businessman and inventor, but also has a very high status in the world's motivational speakers. Steve always kept the quality above quantity in his products.
Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in California. Steve's mother was unmarried and did not want to keep Steve with her. His mother was looking for parents for Steve's adoption. She was looking for the parents who were graduated. Finally, she got a couple who was graduated and the man had a job of lawyer. But before the adoption, the couple changed their minds and refused to adopt Steve. Then his mother gave Steve to a couple named Clara Jobs and Paul Jobs, who were were very poor and ungraduated. That couple promised his mother that they would teach Steve at a good school.
He grew up in a poor family, after 17 years Steve Jobs took admission in expensive colleges like Stanford. All the money of their parents started spending in his studies. But after 6 months, he did not see any value in such studies. he was very confused about his future and carrier. When his parents did not have enough money left to pursue further studies, he left his college. It was a very painful decision at the time but it was the best decision of his life. He had no room to stay so he used to sleep on the floor in his friend's room. Cold drinks that were bottled up and used to eat with their money. He walked eleven kilometers every sunday to go to Hare Krishna temple, so that at least one day he could get enough food. He liked to go to that temple and ate food. For peace of his troubled mind, he came to India with his friend in 1973. He traveled to the mountains and temples of northern India for 3 months. After his visit to India, his mind was calm and he got inspiration to move forward in his life.
At the time, Reed College was famous for Calligraphy. He started taking the classes of Calligraphy from Reed College. At that time, he did not know at all that this study would be useful in his life. Ten years after that, he was making a Macintosh computer with his friends. Then the calligraphy came to his very work. He designed the Macintosh with the help of calligraphy. Macintosh became the world's first computer of beautiful typography. At the age of 20, Steve started Apple company as well as making Macintosh with his hard work.
10 years later, the Apple Company became a company of 4000 people and its revenues increased to $ 2 billion. Apple's company was growing and for good profits Steve appointed John Sculley, Vice President of PepsiCo, to be the CEO of Apple Company. He thought that he would run the company together with John Scully. For a year, everything was fine, but after that, there was a difference of opinion with respect to company's vision in both of them.This difference reached Apple's board of directors. Board of Directors considered John's point of view correct and Steve was excluded from that company. When he was released from the company, he was 30 years old. It was a devastating time for Steve.
For a few months he did not understand what he should do. Later he realized that he was filled with vanity about his success. That's why he lowered a large entrepreneur which was absolutely wrong. He was driven out of his company, it became the biggest lesson of his life. After that he could do some creative in his life. In the next five years, he made two companies named Next and Pixar. During this time, he met a very amazing lady Laurene Powell who later became his wife.
Pixar Company made the world's first computer animated movie Toy Story. Pixar is the world's most successful animation studio. After this, Apple decided to buy Steve Jobs's Pixar company. In this way Steve returned to his company. Today Apple uses the technology developed by Next company.
About a year later, his health started getting worse. After checkup, doctor came to know that he had one such tumor whose treatment is not feasible and he could live only for 3 to 6 months. He was diagnosed. An endoscope was inserted in Steve's intestine by his throat and then stomach, some tumors were removed from a pin. His wife told that when the doctor saw the tumor cells from the microscope, he was surprised. The doctor understood that he had a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor who could recover from surgery. He underwent surgery and he got cured. In 2011, Apple became the world's largest company. On October 5, 2011, at the age of 56, Steve died due to pancreatic cancer.
Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.
- Steve Jobs
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