The most cool feature Windows has released is the Timeline feature. You can excess this by simply clicking the task view button in the task bar. You can also hit Windows button+tab and that will show you the timeline and it will show you a history of your activity in Windows. It will show you the stuff you did yesterday whether the document you opened or apps you have been using. Basically the advantage is that if you are working on multiple projects, You can continue where you left off and start working again. According to your choice, you can enable or disable by going to privacy settings and active history and two options will appear to you. You can enable or disable them according to your need and choice.
This new feature is very useful if you have ever been annoyed by pops-ups of notifications in Windows. This feature is called Focus Assist. Go to settings then systems and then Focus assist and you will be allowed to change all the available settings. It allows you to restrict which notifications you don't want to show up for certain time. You can choose whether it is only priority apps and choose the apps or no notifications at all.
This new feature Diagnostic Data Viewer is related to the privacy. If you want to know exactly what data Microsoft has been collecting on you through Windows. This feature will allow to see that. Just go to the privacy settings, click on Diagnostic and Feedback and you will be allowed to go to that app and then download and install it from the store. It will show you all the data that has been collected an dyou can see them. If you want to delete the collected data you can go back and click delete diagnostic data.
Next super cool feature is with Graphics Settings. It will allow you to control the graphics attributed to apps which you could not do before. To get this go to settings then display and click graphics option. It will allow you to browse individual exe files for different apps and then select how do you want that app to perform. You can select option according to your need. If you are playing a video game, you want that specific app to have the highest power attributed to it. It's very exciting feature and I am probably going to use it.
A big new feature now available is Audio Settings. Just go to System settings then sound and then app volume and device preferences. This feature will allow you to control the sound and volume of every individual apps. However it will show only those apps which are either currently playing songs or recently did. You can also do the same thing by right clicking on the sound icon and this sound menu has some pretty awesome and cool feature you will really like. You don't have to dig into each apps settings, you can do all apps settings from one place.
Next is to do with Fonts. Now you can go to the Windows store and download fonts that might not have before. Most of them are free and some costs like 2$ and more.It will add some cool features to your writing skill. It is useful for people who do not like common fonts and wanted to change their style of writing. Another new feature is that Fonts menu is now available in settings. From here you can preview all the fonts you have and it also allows you to search for different fonts that will be available on the Windows store.
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